Relax & Heal With Our
Massage Therapy ...
Servicing St. Catharines, the Niagara Region
and Surrounding Areas
Massage therapy is a relaxing, non-invasive way to treat a wide variety of conditions. Muscle tension and soreness, back pain, tension headaches, sciatica and migraines are just a few of the many conditions that can be alleviated by massage therapy. Treatments can be customized to each individual client, based on medical history, pain tolerance and client preference. Massage therapy has a wide range of health benefits for every client, including decreased pain and stress, improved blood and lymphatic flow, better quality sleep and healthier skin.
Who Should Opt for Massage Therapy
If you want to improve any of the following, you should opt for massage therapy:
Athletic performance
Chronic conditions
Stress-related symptoms
Health concerns
Postural dysfunction
Swelling problems
Injury care (acute and chronic)
Depression, anxiety
Sprains and strains
Repetitive strain injuries
Peripheral nerve entrapments (carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica)
Several cutting-edge and new techniques such as cupping and instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM), may be used throughout your massage appointment, depending on your response to the massage. Kory analyzes and assesses as he works, usually by beginning with warming up the tissues and muscles to see what kind of stretch he can get and what level of resistance exists.
Preparing for Your Massage Session with Kory
It is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing; however, therapeutic massage sessions are usually performed with the client undressed. Rest assured, you will be appropriately draped at all times during your massage session.
While most patients undress completely, some elect to leave partial clothing on such as underwear. You choose what level of comfort is right for you. Kory will respect your privacy at all times.
What Will the Massage Feel Like?
This will depend on what techniques will be utilized by Kory for your condition. Your session may begin with broad flowing strokes to initiate the relaxation process and then the pressure will be gradually increased to relax and release particular bands of tight muscle and fascia. Kory may elect to use cupping or myofascial blades within your session as well.
Deep tissue massage or trigger point therapy uses deeper pressure and more intensive techniques. The pressure should always be within your comfort level. If you would like to receive less or more pressure at any time, just let your therapist know.
Contact Kory today to book a massage.
What Will the Massage Feel Like?
This will depend on what techniques will be utilized by Kory for your condition. Your session may begin with broad flowing strokes to initiate the relaxation process and then the pressure will be gradually increased to relax and release particular bands of tight muscle and fascia. Kory may elect to use cupping or myofascial blades within your session as well.
Deep tissue massage or trigger point therapy uses deeper pressure and more intensive techniques. The pressure should always be within your comfort level. If you would like to receive less or more pressure at any time, just let your therapist know.